Working Through the BookLog

October 9, 2007

The Darth Side

Filed under: darth vader,evil is good,philosophy,short story,star wars — workingthroughthebooklog @ 6:33 pm

This is an amazing novelette. Written in the voice of Darth Vader, it tracks him through the fourth through the sixth movies in the Star Wars saga. Brilliantly inspired writing, the story is caustic and incisive, while containing a good sprinkling of philosophy that makes this piece much more than a lark. If Lucas had this guy do his script, he would have avoided the travesty of his first three movies. I simply cannot recommend this piece enough – go read it now.

The Darth Side

October 7, 2007

Mint in Your Throat

Filed under: mature,rape,short story — workingthroughthebooklog @ 12:33 am

Mint in Your Throat

An extremely powerful piece about rape and arousal and some of the difficulties that face a woman who is raped. The author has commentary on the piece here.

August 29, 2007


Filed under: george r r martin,scifi,short story — workingthroughthebooklog @ 1:25 pm


Actually, I only read the one short story. The link is the the anthology, although the short story is present therein. Amazing work of short fiction.

August 27, 2007


Filed under: short story — workingthroughthebooklog @ 1:57 pm


A novelette written by someone with a livejournal account. I got the link from one of the social agregators. This is the second time I have read it, but only the first time I’ve read the coda. Simply superb characterization. The writing is good, but not great; it is the description of the music, math and emotion, that really sets this apart from anything else. Highly recommended.

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